We recommend extremists, as well as those who love movies with good special effects and time schedules. Films of this category are fantastic, triller or even horror...
Japan has long celebrated its unusual love for artificial intelligence around the world, and in addition, in the country of the rising sun, robots are not as cautious...
In the first years of the juridical period, when the world was restored after one of the worst mass wars in history, the humble meat from Wales paved the way for...
Why in the far past have many living creatures mass exterminations occurred on Earth? What was the cause of that, the fall of asteroids or the intensification of...
Argentina, where the work of the paleontologists has begun in recent years, has proved to be a real paradise for science studying the history of the world. Over...
Flying lizards think dinosaurs, but they don t. Flying lizards, or pterosaurs, belong to the archosauri sub class, like dinosaurs. A lot of scientists think flying...
German paleontologists completed a description of a large predatory dinosaur, which was found in 1998 in an abandoned career near Minden in north-western Germany...
Smith David J. Imagine. A new look at the giant numbers and non-explicable values / Ill: Adams Steve; Per. - In history, 2016. - 40 s. - (Seria: World around us)...
Multserial s Multserial is describing the adventures of young dinosaur Buddy. On an amazing dinosaur train, he travels on an intermittent journey to explore the...
Dinosaurs refer to only one group of lizards or presumptive (reptiles) who lived in a mesosis in the middle of life on Earth. At the same time, there were other...
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League of paleontologists
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Paléontology is a science of past organisms that have remained in the form of fossil remains, as well as traces of their lives.
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Posts for a diverse range of paleontological faculty and illustrative topics, discussion and exchange of views, and principally: adequacy and lack of knowledge or falsified facts (by the type of people in the Romans).
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- Kainozoy knowledge. Dinosaurs extinctionalso help on general issues or when someone else does not answer.
- Dinosaurs and everything that's connected to them.
- knowledge of a variety of animal biosystematics and the past of the planet as a whole.
- Paleozoi and mammals as class.