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Panfilians: film

1Film directors: Andrey Shallop and Kim Friendly

The film begins, almost the rule for war movies, with just a peaceful picture. In the middle of a deadly village, people are preparing to fight: soldiers, together with the instructor, are training to reflect attacks, commanders are discussing that their day is coming.

Atmosphere is coming down and maintained to the top of the titro is a purely Soviet film at the modern technical level. The character communication style, the dialogues, all we've seen in the old military epic. Some of these styles seem to be stubborn, someone who, on the contrary, is in the top of organizationality, but in fact, this is the way that the characters of the Soviet " birth " film are traced instantly.2 The language of heroes has been emphasized in a timely manner, and it is quite well understood as a noble retro. At least there's no feeling that you're facing the Moscow hipsters of the beginning of the twenty-first century, which have led to misunderstanding trenches.

Blessed, there's no known actor in the frame, which also works for a common sense of naturality. The authors do not attempt to introduce crazy and infinite reflexion into the line of fire. Soldiers and commanders speak mainly of the case, poison the bikes, and only the politician speaks of the Father, which in the mouths is quite natural.3 Panfilians are inflammatory, militant normal♪ No criminals, no one performs mysterious language rituals, the army looks like an army, not a scapito.

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It is, however, very difficult to identify individual characters. In fact, it's hard for a company to separate individuals. There's no personal destiny here, all fates in the same slit. Even names don't go near anyone, they can only be found from the titrov. It is remembered that some Ukrainian accent, the Asian outwardness of a part of the soldiers (316th formed in Kazakhstan, the fathers of Middle Asia in human resources, as in life, are quite numerous).

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